Suuuuperman to the rescue!

Our team crushed it with this ad

Hey there!

Hope everyone has been doing well! It’s been crazy at D-DOUBLEU MEDIA and we’ve onboarded some amazing new brands that we’re very excited about scaling. Hope everyone has been managing the Meta instabilities well, it’s definitely been tough on the agency side, but we shall prevail!


I really like this creative as it stands out as being something else. It is a very raw low-fi static with a very simple image from a customer using the product.

Then the copy is very straightforward [problem question mark?] insert product. simple, but effective especially with the ADHD crowd.

Copywriting - 7/10
Visuals - 7.5/10
Likeliness to convert - 7.5/10
Overall rating - 7.3/10


Superman to the rescue! I love the concept from Obvi (our team made it 😉 ). In here we took one of the main problems their audience faces PCOS bellies and crossed out the BE GONE to accentuate the outcome people do not want.

Next to that 3 benefit pointers people care about in this audience and a risk reversal badge with a money-back guarantee.

Copywriting - 8/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 8/10


Very very cool static. Using a survey and its data to showcase how your product is helping your customers. Not only does this massive social proof points, but it really shows that people are using your products with dedication.

Then also I really like the emoji use here to grab more attention. PLUS I think the pink packaging helps this ad convert by at least an extra 25%.

Copywriting - 7/10
Visuals - 7/10
Likeliness to convert - 7/10
Overall rating - 7/10

Softwares I love

  • Triple Whale - The #1 tool we use at the agency. We wouldn’t be where we are today without Triple Whale. Get better data, make better decisions. Get 15% OFF here.

  • Frosted Files - I’m not a designer, but Frosted Files helps me get new static ads up in minutes. It’s the #1 tool for marketers without designing skills that want to test static ads quickly. Check it out here. We just released 25 new Canva + Figma templates. You can get the new bundle at 30% off now starting at $1.39 per creative!

  • Atria - You probably are using an ad-saving tool. Atria is on another level. It has the biggest ad library, it has extensive AI features like script writing, review mining and more! Ad creation, inspiration, research, and ideation – all in one place! Check it out here and start your 5-day free trial.

All the best,

Dennis 💚

P.S. On Twitter? Follow me here for more of this stuff!