A new trend I'm seeing

[Trending static alert!]

Hey there!

Welcome to another week of AdVenture where we break down 3 ads every week to help you as a marketer, media buyer, founder, and anything in between find new inspiration.

Let’s go!


Been seeing a lot more of these statics recently where brands cross out the end results people don’t want. I think it’s a very solid way of visualising towards your end customer what they want to avoid and it just grabs the attention.

Overall very solid ad but I do think the visual could be improved to showcase all the 3 pain points a bit better.

Go out there this week and cross out some of the pain points you are tackling with your brand and see how they work.

Copywriting - 7/10
Visuals - 6/10
Likeliness to convert - 7/10
Overall rating - 6.7/10


I really dig pet niche ads. You can get sooo emotional with them. Everyone loves their dog and will do everything to protect them from any harm. People are willing to spend serious cash in order for their dog to be healthy.

This ad really hones into the fact that people don’t want to go to the vet with their pets and preventing is better than curing in this case.

Additionally, they showcase a women hugging her pet which ultimately is the desired outcome here for people to enjoy their dogs for longer and for them to be healthy.

Copywriting - 8/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 8/10

Magic Spoon

With this one there is not much to say about it other than that I love the visuals of this Magic Spoon video a lot. Simple product renders animated and nutritional values to the left as ultimately that’s what people care about with these products.

If you have a CPG brand I would definitely recommend trying this format or checking how you can use it for your brand as these types of visuals just grab the attention really well and we’ve seen them perform really well inside some of our accounts.

Copywriting - 6/10
Visuals - 9/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 7/10

Softwares I love

  • Triple Whale - The #1 tool we use at the agency. We wouldn’t be where we are today without Triple Whale. Get better data, make better decisions. Get 15% OFF here.

  • Frosted Files - I’m not a designer, but Frosted Files helps me get new static ads up in minutes. It’s the #1 tool for marketers without designing skills that want to test static ads quickly. Check it out here. We just released 25 new Canva + Figma templates. You can get the new bundle at 30% off now starting at $1.39 per creative!

  • Atria - You probably are using an ad-saving tool. Atria is on another level. It has the biggest ad library, it has extensive AI features like script writing, review mining and more! Ad creation, inspiration, research, and ideation – all in one place! Check it out here and start your 5-day free trial.

All the best,

Dennis 💚

P.S. On Twitter? Follow me here for more of this stuff!