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  • The Google creative concept 2.0

The Google creative concept 2.0

Elevate your creative concepts today

Hey there!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far. It’s starting to heat up and the weather is a lot better here in Europe. Let’s get into things right away, got some beautiful breakdowns for you this week!

Bloom Nutrition

I’ve been seeing this Google search format a lot, however this one is a bit of a 2.0 version of it. It’s branded in the brand’s colors and also has the “as seen in” element below it. I really like this visual style as it’s more branded and looks slicker than just the white Google background.

There might be a branding person involved in this one after the initial proposal of the Google format in white lol.

Next to that messaging is pretty straight to the point. I do think a very cool iteration here could be adding 3-5 unique selling points where now the AS SEEN IN part is to be able to articulate the use and benefits of the product a bit better. This ad does speak to the already product and solution-aware audience so it’s more of a lower funnel ad in my opinion.

Copywriting - 6/10
Visuals - 9/10
Likeliness to convert - 6/10
Overall rating - 7.5/10


Well this one is a tad bit extreme lol…

I think this can be a hit or miss. If you run a brand or agency and need to get approval from someone who’s in charge of branding, well good luck, this might be a very tough one to get through if the branding person is very strict.

That being said, it’s a very direct response and just straight-up targets people who want to lose weight fast. I saw Obvi running a lot of these AI-generated images with text slapped onto them. Assuming this creative style works for them, it might be interesting to try it out for your brand as well. Simply ask DALL-E to make an image and slap some text on it and let Meta do its thing.

I think the messaging in this ad is very on point and all revolve around weight loss and the struggles people have with it. The only thing I don’t get is the regrow hair benefit pointer. But maybe someone needs to educate me about weight loss/fat burners.

Copywriting - 7/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 7.7/10


Wait this isn’t a good-looking creative? This is not very trendy or anything like that…

Well, yes. True. However, I think this has some elements as to why it can crush it.

Number 1 is the fact that this is a real struggle. Women who are pregnant and need good shoes. Upon first glance, this is the first thing you notice OVERALL BEST SGOES FOR PREGNANCY with a woman who is pregnant. Boom, got the pregnant women’s attention grabbed while watching stories.

That’s why it is SO SO important to have someone in your creative, whether it be a video or image, who represents who you are trying to target with your ad. Imagine the same ad but now with a woman who is not pregnant at all, it would totally fail.

If you have a product that solves a similar problem, try to whip up a creative like this and I promise you the chances of it having success are quite big, without the big effort.

Copywriting - 8/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 9/10
Overall rating - 8.5/10

Softwares I love

  • Frosted Files - I’m not a designer, but Frosted Files helps me get new static ads up in minutes. It’s the #1 tool for marketers without designing skills that want to test static ads quickly. Check it out here. We just released 25 new Canva + Figma templates. You can get the new bundle at 30% off now starting at $1.39 per creative!

  • Atria - You probably are using an ad-saving tool. Atria is on another level. It has the biggest ad library, it has extensive AI features like script writing, review mining and more! Ad creation, inspiration, research, and ideation – all in one place! Check it out here and start your 5-day free trial.

Thanks for reading this week!

Dennis 💚

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