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  • Focus on what people are trying to avoid

Focus on what people are trying to avoid

One of the best written statics I've seen lately

Hey there!

Static, static, static. I am seeing more brands be very successful just running static ads. Not just the brands we manage, but also brands I am speaking to every week. UGC, inauthentic UGC, seems to be dropping off. Only if you can make it very very authentic it can work in my opinion.

Gone are the days of paying someone $50-$150 bucks, uploading it to your ad account, and expecting it to rip immediately.

Let’s get down to business though, got 3 great ads to inspire you this week 🧪


A simple ad which you might think ah basic headline and some callouts. But actually, there’s more to it. Wuffes did an amazing job by directly calling out a subset of the audience. They talk about senior dogs, filtering all people out that have an older dog and they talk about arthritis, again filtering out a big chunk of people to make this ad super-targeted. The words “silent-killer” are also very good and evoke emotion in dog owners as the last thing they want is for their dog to die without them doing something about it.

Then the callouts are just features of the product that probably resonate really well with the audience, I am not a dog owner, but I can imagine these making a lot of sense as you don’t want your dog eating artificial flavoring, inflammatory ingredients, seed oils and fillers. Do note though that all of the features are negatively written to talk about what the product doesn’t contain as this is a much stronger point than talking about the things people want. It’s much stronger to talk about what people are trying to avoid.

Then at the end, I love the offer to evoke people to click through – very strong.

Copywriting - 9/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 9/10
Overall rating - 8.5/10


Very, very creative. I love how Nood pushes the boundaries and makes statics like this stand out from the boring ads that are out there. The comment is really funny and the image too showcases the product directly where it’s supposed to be used.

This concept can be used a lot more, find more comments and re-create it to answer people’s questions. The brand has probably gotten this comment a lot under their ads and decided to tackle it with an ad – very smart move.

Reminder: dive into your ad comments and build angles around the frequently asked questions or use those points in your creatives.

I think this concept can be executed for a lot of brands. Try to be creative here and you might find yourself on a winner.

Copywriting - 8/10
Visuals - 9/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 8/10


Just like the first ad, you might think a very basic ad. Headline + feature callouts. However, this copy is very inspiring to me and the thought behind it + the emotions it tackles.

With this ad Ridge speaks to the audience that is tired of wallets breaking, people not being able to rely on their wallets and the fact that this wallet can be used in every scenario and has a ton of features.

You might think, Dennis, this ad is still super simple, but the more you look at it the more you respect it. Just like the Mona Lisa, simple women in a painting, but why is it so famous haha.

With your statics, dive into what your customers want to see, write smart copy and make sure your message hits them in the heart. That’s the only way you’re winning from your competitors or Taylor Swift videos on the timeline (as in the end that’s also what you’re competing with)

Copywriting - 8/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 8/10

Softwares I love

  • Triple Whale - The #1 tool we use at the agency. We wouldn’t be where we are today without Triple Whale. Get better data, make better decisions. Get 15% OFF here.

  • Frosted Files - I’m not a designer, but Frosted Files helps me get new static ads up in minutes. It’s the #1 tool for marketers without designing skills that want to test static ads quickly. Check it out here. We just released 25 new templates. You can get the new bundle at 30% off now starting at $1.39 per creative!

  • Atria - You probably are using an ad-saving tool. Atria is on another level. It has the biggest ad library, it has extensive AI features like script writing, review mining and more! Ad creation, inspiration, research, and ideation – all in one place! Check it out here and start your 5-day free trial.

All the best,

Dennis 💚

P.S. On Twitter? Follow me here for more of this stuff!