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  • This ad will get you a big fine

This ad will get you a big fine

Should you try this?

Hey there!

Feeling out of inspiration this week? Boom! Here we are! 3 fresh set of creatives ready for your review to inspire your ads in the upcoming week!

Stars + Honey

A very funny one here. Very, very creative. But will it work in a direct response Meta environment focused on conversions?

I think this ad is very original, I haven’t seen something like it. The only thing is that messaging doesn’t really show it’s a protein bar right away as it’s kind of hidden at the top right. The first thing that jumps out here are the donut + raspberry heads and the child they’re holding which just shows the logo of the brand.

With that being said, I don’t think this ad will do well in the actual ad account as it’s only funny but doesn’t say much about the product. It may work a bit for a middle of bottom of funnel audience.

Copywriting - 6/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 5/10
Overall rating - 6.7/10


These news-style ads have been a very interesting angle that works well for a lot of brands. With this one, it looks very organic which is due to the fact that a lot of accounts post these types of images organically too.

I like the angle here that focusses on helping seniors, osteoporosis and chronic pain must be a very specific issue they deal with so ultimately this ad will be very intriguing for this audience to click on with a very clear CTA that talks about easier movement.

I think personally think as will work really well for this audience if the landing page can be an article-style page too.

Copywriting - 8/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 8/10


These ads are getting crazy…

I am not 100% sure if these ads are the best for the brand, but if they convert then well that’s the end goal. Also, I know in the EU there are a lot of regulations around weight loss and making claims so an ad like this would get you big fines over here, but I know the US is a bit less strict on that end.

To be honest this ad does spark my curiosity and stands out. Its something else and I can see this one working really well for Obvi’s audience being an older demographic that just wants to lose weight.

Copywriting - 7/10
Visuals - 8/10
Likeliness to convert - 8/10
Overall rating - 7.5/10

Softwares I love

  • Triple Whale - The #1 tool we use at the agency. We wouldn’t be where we are today without Triple Whale. Get better data, make better decisions. Get 15% OFF here.

  • Frosted Files - I’m not a designer, but Frosted Files helps me get new static ads up in minutes. It’s the #1 tool for marketers without designing skills that want to test static ads quickly. Check it out here. We just released 25 new Canva + Figma templates. You can get the new bundle at 30% off now starting at $1.39 per creative!

  • Atria - You probably are using an ad-saving tool. Atria is on another level. It has the biggest ad library, it has extensive AI features like script writing, review mining and more! Ad creation, inspiration, research, and ideation – all in one place! Check it out here and start your 5-day free trial.

Thanks for reading this week!

Dennis 💚

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